Compose by walking! A miniature for mobiles

›Inside every room of every house of a street, each of them full of audible details, usually concealed behind closed doors: if it would be possible to listen to these everyday choreographies, what could you hear?‹

Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel_BerlinBuddhist temple at Berlin Ackerstraße (Photo: Andreas Praefcke)

This experimental project called Berlin Ackerstraße (2006-2007) takes you on a participant observation or rather, a participatory sound expedition in Berlin, Ackerstraße. It enables you to listen to the sounds of everyday life in Ackerstraße five years ago – while walking down the street today.

mfmMiniatures for mobiles is an app which responds to your movements: you are literally composing by walking. You are wandering around in a radio play.

Continue reading “Compose by walking! A miniature for mobiles”

Ethnographic audio documentary of Berlin, Ackerstraße

From 2006 to 2008 I participated in Sensing the Street, an interdisciplinary research project about three streets in Berlin resulting in three exhibitions. See (in German).

Listen to an excerpt from an ethnographic audio documentary about the Ackerstraße in Berlin. Continue reading “Ethnographic audio documentary of Berlin, Ackerstraße”


Desartsonnants - Sonos//Faire - La création sonore à portée d'oreille

Ouvindo Lugares

Registros sonoros de caminhadas pelas cidades

Urban Sound Space

researching music-making in Wellington and Copenhagen

Vibrating Matter

...makes the world go sound